Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 11b --- Doing fine, cruising along

Day 11b  --  Doing fine and cruising along

No broth cooking in the kitchen today.  I have a generous portion still from "Leslie's Kitchen".   The week is ending and it's soon to officially be the "weekend".  I always feel like the weekend starts Friday morning so that said, it's the weekend. 

Today has been and will continue to be a busy day for me.  But I like the busyness of the day.

Today I stepped on the scale and for the second time this week, I didn't lose weight.  I'm looking forward to talking to Dr. Saunders about this when he calls or when I meet with him.  I'm wondering if it is because I've been drinking a lot more water and less broth.  It's just so easy to grab a bottle of water especially when I'm out and about.  My guess is that I'm getting close to my proper weight.  

I've felt a bit dehydrated lately but that is my fault.  I just haven't been drinking a lot of fluids like I should. That and the fact that I'm not drinking water with electrolytes and less broth, hence less salt intake.  Many people will tell me that salt is bad and they advise against putting it in the broth.  I appreciate their concern but in my research and in what I am hearing from knowledgeable medical personnel, I need to add the salt to the broth.

Dr. Saunders specifically recommended it.  I'm sure that if one was to eat processed foods all day with a few fast food meals, etc, their salt intake would be too high.  But my salt intake would be zero if I didn't put it in my soup.  I use sea salt.  Our friends, have Himalayan salt.  It probably tastes exactly the same, although I've never been to a "salt tasting" before. But certainly it is healthy, includes iodine which we all need, and best of all is pink!!  How fun is that?  What's next?  White pepper? Oh, I guess they do have that already too.

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