Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 14b and 15b ---- Almost there

Day 14b and 15b  ----  Almost there

This post represents two days, the last two days of this fast.

I wasn't quite sure when I would end this fast.  Well, that's not completely true.  Although I didn't know what "day" I would end it but I knew that I would end it after I hit my goal weight of 145.  I hit 145 on day 13b, so anytime after that was a fine time to quit.  I hit my goal and then decided to throw in a couple of extra days for good measure.

The last time that I finished my fast was the evening before I was about to leave for the Northeast.  This time I will also be breaking my fast on the evening before I leave on a trip.  This time it is off to Chicago and then the Northeast.

After much consideration, we decide to go back to the same restaurant as last time and I had the same thing as last time, Sojourner Cafe's Indian Dahl.  Again, it was super delicious and the company, delightful.  I felt great to ear something solid.  Funny to think of calling Dahl solid.  It's basically mushed up lentil beans with a vegetables.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 13b ---- Lucky day for me

Day 13b is a lucky day for me

Please celebrate with me!!  I hit my goal weight this morning!! How cool is that?  Pretty cool, I'd say.  My goal was to get to 145. Today I got on the scale and it read 145.0.  I was pretty excited.  Holly wagged her tail.

So what do I do to celebrate?  Suzy is in LA and I'm home not feeling the best.  My head hurts and I'm achey still.  My head seems to be getting worse.  I really hope not.  I've been looking forward to being with Suzy and doing something when she gets home.  Perhaps a nice sunset beach walk will have to do.  

Today I am helping a friend, Christian, who recently lost his wife.  Far too young.  She was full of life and only in her 30's.  To make matters worse, she leaves behind 5 wonderful children.  He has to move out of his home a few steps from the beach, another challenge for him.  This poor family.  And I'm complaining about some aches and pains?

I have to keep this short but the main point is that I hit 145 today.  Yahoo!!

Day 12b --- A day primarily alone

Day 12b  ---   A day primarily alone

We awoke and had a nice relaxing Saturday morning, until about 9:30 when we drove Suzy down to the train station.  She will be gone until Sunday afternoon.  She is visiting her sister in Los Angeles, a short hour or two train ride down the coast.  It's a great way to travel to Los Angeles, relaxing, peaceful, and beautiful.

This morning I did lose a bit more weight which made me feel good of course.  I've been more hungry lately but it's my fault for not consuming more broth.  But that said, it isn't like I'm dying here.  We've all been hungry before.  After a short time we either eat something or we wait and it passes.

I've been really looking forward to eating nuts again.  Kind of random, but they are sounding good these days.

For physical updates:  I've been feeling a bit light headed at times.  This is a first, well at least as often as I am feeling that way recently.  Before it was only once every few days and it usually lasted only a few seconds to a minute at most.  Now it has been two to three times a day.  I really believe that it is the lack of broth and that good nutrition that I get with it.  Also, I have found my lips very dry.  I was at the hair cutter this morning and they actually were burning while I was in the chair.  But again, this is my fault.  I'm just not doing what I am supposed to be doing.

When I drink broth as my main source of liquids, I get nutrition and salt and needless to say fluids that eliminate dehydration.  If I was be a "better patient", I'm sure that I would be doing fine, as I was.

I had a wonderful late afternoon and evening alone.  Just me, and our sweet friend Holly.  She is a very sweet and cute blonde who always greets me with loud barking whenever I come back home. She belongs to our friends Jay and Donna.  Jay is a pastor at the church adjacent our property and we watch her whenever he goes out of town.  She's a sweet dog.

I went for a nice walk on the beach by myself in the late afternoon and took in the sunset.  I felt very comfortable being alone there.  This is a very unusual way for me to feel in such a circumstance.  Usually, I am restless and looking for people with whom I could speak.  Some of you that know me, know this is be very true.  But I was content.  I am changing so much.  My whole attitude has changed so much.  I'm much more mellow and relaxed about things.  Although I am taking only 1/3 the prescribed dosage of my anti-depressants, I feel great.  Actually, I feel far better then when I was on 3 times as much.  It makes no sense at all to assume consider the idea that maybe there is a link to the reduction in meds and how I'm feeling.  I used to be on this dosage back about a year ago and it was unproductive.  I needed a therapeutic dose and this current dose would not work back then.  It's probably obvious, but I believe that it is the elimination of toxins and processed foods, that coupled with a significant reduction in weight.

I have been much colder lately, and it's not just the change in weather.  Even at the house with the heat running, I find that I'm not nearly warm enough.  I'm sure that losing 35 pounds has something to do with it.

Because I was chilly, I made a fire in the fireplace as I would do if Suzy and I were to spend an evening in for the night.  Although I was alone, having all the lights on just seemed too much.  So I dimmed the lights and lit candles as I would if my bride was with me.  I like to make the environment romantic when Suzy and I are alone but I guess that I realized that I like it just for myself.  Holly-the-Dog seemed to like it too as she slept soundly on the love seat nearby.  I watched the news, watched some mindless youtube videos, and searched around on craigslist until it was time for bed.  I have been a bit achey and headachy as well so I wasn't really up for anything more than that.

For the first time, perhaps ever, I am enjoying being alone and not afraid of having to be with myself.  I have disliked myself for so many years.  This is the first time, ever, that I can say that I like the person that I am.  I can't believe the weight of those words.  I have spent my entire life not liking myself, at all. I don't even like to look in the mirror. I take a quick glance to check my hair and then I'm out of there.  I'm sure that at times that I have come across overconfident, but I think that I was over compensating for my poor self-image.  My friend Ray up in North Dakota gave me a book, His Image, My Image years ago.  It discusses this topic of self-image compared to how God sees us.  I could never get far in the book because the pretext is that God loves me and I couldn't really start with that.  I'm not saying that I have it all together.  I'm sure that I have a long way to go.  At least now, I'm pointed in the right direction and moving forward, even if it's slowly.

Day 11b --- Doing fine, cruising along

Day 11b  --  Doing fine and cruising along

No broth cooking in the kitchen today.  I have a generous portion still from "Leslie's Kitchen".   The week is ending and it's soon to officially be the "weekend".  I always feel like the weekend starts Friday morning so that said, it's the weekend. 

Today has been and will continue to be a busy day for me.  But I like the busyness of the day.

Today I stepped on the scale and for the second time this week, I didn't lose weight.  I'm looking forward to talking to Dr. Saunders about this when he calls or when I meet with him.  I'm wondering if it is because I've been drinking a lot more water and less broth.  It's just so easy to grab a bottle of water especially when I'm out and about.  My guess is that I'm getting close to my proper weight.  

I've felt a bit dehydrated lately but that is my fault.  I just haven't been drinking a lot of fluids like I should. That and the fact that I'm not drinking water with electrolytes and less broth, hence less salt intake.  Many people will tell me that salt is bad and they advise against putting it in the broth.  I appreciate their concern but in my research and in what I am hearing from knowledgeable medical personnel, I need to add the salt to the broth.

Dr. Saunders specifically recommended it.  I'm sure that if one was to eat processed foods all day with a few fast food meals, etc, their salt intake would be too high.  But my salt intake would be zero if I didn't put it in my soup.  I use sea salt.  Our friends, have Himalayan salt.  It probably tastes exactly the same, although I've never been to a "salt tasting" before. But certainly it is healthy, includes iodine which we all need, and best of all is pink!!  How fun is that?  What's next?  White pepper? Oh, I guess they do have that already too.

Day 10b -- Dear Friends & Great Soup

Day 10b  ----- Dear friends and great soup

Last night was an awesome night with our dear friends, Scott and Leslie. We were excited to see them again. And Leslie offered to make some soup. She is a great cook and made a chicken soup. Wow, that seems so inadequate of a description.  I loved the flavor. I wasn't traditional and had a great bite. 

To make things even better, we watched the World Series and the Red Sox won!! All of us are fans of Boston and were happy to see them win.  Over all it was a great night.

I just got back home this morning and I have to say that regarding this broth fast, I'm just cruising along smoothly.  It really isn't an issue.  People ask me, "Don't you get hungry?" I say yes I do.  Multiple times a day.  But don't you?  Don't you get hungry in the morning or around noon time?  Of course they do too.  We all do.  But it isn't as though I cannot satisfy my hunger.  I can and I do.  The difference is that I consume delicious and flavorful and healthy organic, homemade, soup broth, and they open a candy bar or run to their favorite fast food establishment.  I guess that sounds pretty callous. Perhaps they eat very healthy food and I'll join them in a few more days. 

In about a week, I need to leave for Chicago and then the Northeast. I'm hoping to break this fast with my favorite dinner date, sweet wife. 

I'm not sure where I'll be weight wise on that day. If I'm low enough, I'll stop then and start the translation period of strictly veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds. And that is it, for only two days. After that, I can eat healthfully. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 9b ---- Big treat for me

Day 9b  ---- Big treat for me

Today is Wednesday and the 9th day of part two of my fast.

Today started early with great news from our son David.  I awoke to a text message shortly after 6AM. He completed one of his mid-terms and received his grade.  He earned a 98.5%, we are so proud of him.  He has worked so hard and we think that he is just great.

I was up and out the door by 6:45 on my way to the weekly Christian Business Men's breakfast out on beautiful Stearn's Wharf in Santa Barbara.  I felt really good about myself, not the most familiar feeling for me.  I was wearing a dress shirt that would have been far too small to wear only 2 months ago, along with a suit coat that I was about to discard, again too small.  But these clothes did not look too small.  They looked just right.  They could have even been smaller.  What a difference. This has improved my self image dramatically.

I have never been one that liked looking in the mirror.  I would look at myself only one time each day.  When I was out of the shower and wet, I would brush off the foggy mirror well enough to see that I got the part in my hair straight, and that was it.  I didn't like what I saw, so why would I stand around and look at the image?  Certainly it was more than my weight, but looking fit again certainly helped things.  THe truth is that after many years filled with negative comments about nearly every part of my life, I have developed a very poor self image with the manifestation being an attitude of negativity.  I was critical and condemning.  I don't really know how my sweet wife stuck by me but I am very thankful that she did and I will never, ever forget that.  I'm still far from being Mr. Sunshine all of the time, but I am improving and the weight loss has been an enormous help.  It appears to me that it is not just the loss of weight but also "input" of healthy food.

Back to the Men's breakfast, I really enjoy this group of gentlemen who have always been kind and supportive to me.  I haven't been for about a month and when I arrived there was none of the common, "where have you been"? It was more like, "Mike!! We're glad that you are back!"  They said that they had been praying for me and for the mission of our organization to "Improve and strengthen Christian schools around the US and beyond".  They all wanted an update and I was happy to share about the great success that we were having.  Furthermore and since I wasn't eating, they asked if I would read an article sent to us for encouragement from the parent organization, CBMC.  Gulp, me read? Out loud? In a group?  I'll speak in front of thousands and not blink an eye, but to read out loud in front of even a couple of good friends is….well, far outside of my comfort zone.  Each week we typically pass around an article similar to this and we each read one very short paragraph, more like 2 or 3 sentences.  To prepare for this, I count the paragraphs and ignore all that is being said so that I can re-read my little section in advance.  You see, I have dyslexia.  This makes reading "silently" a challenge.   Also, it means that I am a VERY slow reader.  But aloud?  Now that become quite difficult.  I paused part way through sentences and sometimes after every couple of words.  It is truly a challenge.

But, I was apparently called to read this and I have felt that anything that our good Lord calls me to do, I will do without "fear and trembling".  This was definitely an event that would test my faith and my self confidence.  So, I accepted the task and opened with a short caveat.  I told the group, of some of Santa Barbara's most successful men, that I have dyslexia and reading aloud is a challenge for me.  I asked them to bear with me if I stumble.  With that, I glanced at the full text, type written and over a page in length.

I am very happy to report that, and thanks be to God, that I was able to read the entirety without much stumbling at all.  Furthermore, the text was as if it were hand picked for me, perhaps it was.

I don't know if anyone heard what I read while I was reading, but I did.  And it hit home like a master carpenter drives a nail into freshly a freshly milled board.

I have changed.  I have changed for sure.  It is a gift to me and to my sweet wife, Suzy and to our son David.