Day 22 --- Beginning to round the bend
I felt pretty decent today, a bit tired but ok. I found that this morning I was pretty tired and so I was able to nap but as the day went on, my energy built significantly. By the time 3:00pm rolled around, I was feeling great. Really the first day in a while that I could say that I was feeling great. Granted it didn't hit me until mid-afternoon, but I'm thankful for when it did.
I had a good amount of soup broth saved up, critical if I'm going to be consuming nothing but broth. As you may remember, we were out "camping". Although there is no electricity or water where we are camping, our motorhome has everything we need. I thought that I'd include a picture of it. You'll find it below.
My weight has continued to drop, or at least I believe that it has. I don't have a scale with me so it's hard to know if I've continued to lose weight as I think I have. Tomorrow, I'll be going back to Santa Barbara for the day and will get a chance to weigh myself again. I'm looking forward to this for sure.
I went to the local organic and healthy store before we left camping. I bought a couple of smoked turkey wings and 2 different types of sausage. So, I'm sure that you are interested in knowing what I made with them, right? OK, so here goes.
For my foodie friends....I took the turkey wings and put them in the pot to cook with chopped onions and carrots for the nutritional component. For spices I added salt, pepper, a good amount of "poultry seasoning", some Italian seasoning (thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, etc), and some bay leaves. I love turkey so I'm hoping this tastes like a Thanksgiving dinner. For our international in America we take a day to express thanks to our Creator for His great bounty, care, protection, and blessing. This first started with the native Americans and the early Pilgrims who settled here in the early 1600's. It is a great tradition and other countries celebrate this holiday as well.
More on food, Suzy whipped up a sausage soup for me with some organic, spicy jalapeno sausages that I bought. She added some kale, garlic, red bell peppers, onion, and salt. It turned out to be delicious. I don't think that she has ever made a less than great meal.
Lastly, I took a "chorizo" sausage, organic as well, and added leaks, tomatoes, a good handful of cilantro, and that was it. I'm looking forward to seeing what this will taste like. It should be tomato-y and spicy with a zing of cilantro. I plan to add fresh lime to each serving.
Well, I hope that all of you are well. Tomorrow should be a good day with a new weight to report.
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