Saturday, September 7, 2013

End of Day 4

End of Day 4

Until today, I haven't noticed many of the challenges or struggles common to this fast that I read about online.  I am prone to significant headaches, but have had none worth mentioning, including today.  For that, I am very grateful.  But there were a couple of things that I noticed that affected my today.

To be fair, this would not have been the most pleasant day whether fasting or not.  We were comforting a close friend who is going through a very significant and painful situation.  This was enough to set anyone off a bit, or a lot.  I tried to arrive prepared with a leaky thermos full of chicken broth cooked with herbs d'Provence.  I didn't bring enough and should have consumed more before I left the house.

For my foodie friends, I also made a beef bone broth with dried spices that one would rub on meat to barbecue, cayenne, chili powder, paprika, garlic, salt, etc.  I also added carrots (which in hind site probably didn't fit well), onions, and potatoes.  I need to ask the doctor if the potatoes were OK to add.  I'm concerned that since potatoes are natural high in carbs, which turns to sugar, perhaps these might have been off of the list to add to include.  Both soups tasted great, I thought at least.  Suzy loved the herbs d'Provence chicken broth and I encouraged her to eat some of the actual chicken and veggies as she did the other night, but she is following her own diet right now and had the broth alone as well.  FYI, I'm saving the cooked veggies for after the fast, in the freezer, or giving them to friends.

In the mid-afternoon we went shopping.  I could clearly picture and remember how every item in the store would taste.  I bought some hot Italian sausage, red bell peppers, and more onions.  When we got home I added them together to make a soup with a healthy dose of garlic and Italian seasoning.  It will be ready in the morning.  It smells incredible.  I might need to have a taste in the middle of the night.

I was a bit tired today and found it a little bit hard to concentrate and stay on track with some of what I wanted to say.  I guess I had a bit of trouble focusing at times.  But I just explained to my friends that I was a bit off today and if I seem slightly behind the curve, perhaps it could be because of this fast.  I don't know how I came across to them.  I'll have to ask them, certainly they are welcome to comment below as well as this is pretty anonymous.

Regarding being a bit tired, I took a 45 minute, or less, nap this afternoon.  Later in the day, I chose to stay in as opposed to going to the beach which is only a mile from our home.  Some of the reason was feeling tired but some was wanting to give my wife some alone time with one of her friend.

I went for a short walk around the neighborhood and found myself more tired than usual.  I was not breathing hard or anything like that, just a bit tired.

Two other things.  First, in the past I have had a case of acid reflux.  It seemed to be bothering me a bit.  Second, and more important to me, I have felt irritable and grouchy.  I found myself just edgy at times.  I can swing in this direction normally but was concerned about how this would impact those close to me.

Lastly, and this should be no surprise, I've noticed a change in my bathroom usage.  Clearly it is more frequent.

The most important thing that I would add is that my commitment to complete this has not waivered.  The aforementioned items are of little concern.  Overall, I'm feeling fine.

  Here's the link to the next post...