Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stats ---- Just for fun

Here are some latest stats from Blogger.  Perhaps it's interesting to you.  To me, it has been motivational.

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea
Hong Kong

Day 26 ---- What happened?

Day 26  ----  What happened?

After that last few days of feeling on top of the world, I've been down today.  I believe that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have cut back on some antidepressants that I have been taking.  I've been slowly cutting back and there is usually a lag from the day that I cut back until feeling like I've been hit by a truck.  The lag is usually about 4 days of so.  Guess what?  That lines up perfectly.  I'm sure that this is the issue but it still is no fun.

I've been reading a lot about how helpful niacin is for people who suffer with depression.  I started taking about 3000mg per day, as recommended by my medical doctor.  But then I stopped.  And now I'm down and blue.  Probably a combination of the two hitting at once.

From what I've read, it seems like it takes about a week for the niacin to get going in the body, but I might have that time frame wrong.  If anyone knows for sure, send a comment please.

So, tomorrow I'm hoping will be a better and more uplifting day.  It really needs to be as I will have meetings tomorrow that I need to be "up" for.  Then the next two days are just as busy, so this better pass quickly.  I pray that it does.

Although I'm ending this fast soon, in truth, I know that I could do this for another couple of weeks.  The hardest part is over and now it's just cruising. But I would be lying to say that I not looking forward to eating again.

Eating is really a celebratory event for me, and probably for everyone.  We just take it for granted.  Stop eating for a month and you'll see what I mean.

That's all for now folks.  For those of you who have followed this all along, thank you!!  I would have loved to have heard from more of you but I see the stats and know that you are there.

If you want to do something kind for me...please share this BLOG on Facebook or whatever social media you like :-)   Please tell your friends :-)

Here's the link to tomorrow's latest

Day 23, 24, and 25 --- Feeling better than ever

Days 23, 24, and 25  ---  Feeling better than ever

I'm sorry to all of you who might have been looking forward to reading what was going on for the last three days.  We have been camping and having internet has been not the easiest but that wasn't the issue for posting as much as the fact that I just felt too good to stop and write.

Really, I have felt better in the last three days than I have in a long, long time.  I was up by a decent hour, walking on the beach with Suzy, even running into the Pacific Ocean with its cold water.  We have been having a great time and I have been at the top of my game.

I haven't been particularly hungry.  I've found that I have been pretty fine much of the day with just water.  I've had about 3 servings of broth per day.  It's not that I'm trying to not eat, or drink, it's just that I haven't been that hungry and I have been happy with just water.

Overall, just an amazing few days.  Thank the good Lord for that!!

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