Thursday, August 28, 2014

300 days

Today marks 300 days since I finished my 30 day broth fast.

For those interested in the numbers....I'm consistently under 140 pounds and have maintained this with little effort.

My mind is clearer....I know, that sounds like such a bunch of crap.  People usually say such things in health food stores while holding a bottle for their favorite colonic, but it is true.  I feel like I'm a new person.  No, scratch that.  I am a new person.  I've re-done, re-thought, re-started, and repented of so many things in my life. I feel much, much better than I have at any point in my life.  All because of the broth fast?? I'm not saying that this took place because of the broth fast, but it sure was the catalyst for these changes.  My wife calls me Mike2.0.

More about this very soon.  Many of you have read this blog, although sadly very few have "followed" or "subscribed".  Throw some love my way and "Follow me"

6 Month Miracle

Hi Friends and Anyone who reads this,

On May 1st, 2014, I celebrated 6 months of keeping ALL of the weight off.

Quick recap, I lost a net 30 pounds in 60 days.  The day that I mark as having "completed" my personal weight loss was November 1st.  On that day I had lost all of the weight that I wanted.  So, May 1st marks the date where I kept it all off for half a year.

Yahoo!!  "And the crowd goes wild" least in my little head.

I still love telling this story.  Since I travel a lot for my work as a consultant with schools and businesses to different locations all over the US, I find myself alone but easily meeting people.  It's an easy thing to talk about. I find that it seems like new "friends" are happier to listen than share. Really many people are interested in weight loss.

30 day broth fast---The kick your ass but get it done weight loss method

I'll write more soon as so much has changed.