Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 17 -- Not a bad day after all

Day 17 ----  Not so bad

My day started as a bit of a mess, as you might have read.  A foggy and cold day in September didn't help any either.  The odd thing about fog this time of year is that this is really our peak summer weather.  Really quite unusual to see a day like this.  But one thing that we here in Santa Barbara have learned is, don't expect what is to be expected with regard to weather.

So my mood and energy level were a perfect match for the weather.  I was a bit slow and lethargic and a bit blue. Furthermore, I had a headache and my stomach was a bit uneasy.  But I think that the majority of the reason is because of my poor night's sleep.  I was productive, but a bit at a slower pace.  I'm not sure that even if I felt perfect that I could have been more productive.

I have to admit that I broke the doctor's orders a bit today.  With my head hurting from about 3AM, I decided to take an over the counter pain reliever, which is completely within the restrictions.  But to give the meds a boost, and a boost to me as well, I walked over to the local coffee shop, Pierre LaFond's, and ordered a single shot of caffeinated espresso.  I drank about half of it and tossed the rest.  I justified it believing that it was medicinal and such a small amount that it was probably acceptable.  All I know is that my headache disappeared and I did have an ever so slight increase in energy.

Tonight we have a dear guest spending the night.  She is a fellow worker with Suzy at the preschool.  Her name is Jackie and she is an amazing teacher, a master teacher.  She and Suzy will be departing for Mexico at 6:00AM tomorrow to work with a deaf school in Ensenada. It should be a great trip for them.  I'm happy for the two of them.

Well, it's time for some more soup broth and then I think it will be early to bed for all of us.  Overall, not a bad day after all.

Day 18 awaits below...short and sweet.

Beginning of day 17. A morning post

Good morning friends,

What a miserable night sleep. I would love to blame the fast but in truth that has nothing to do with it.  Because of some tragic situations from about three years ago, I have been taking antidepressants. I wasn't very happy about it and was very reluctant. But I have to say, they really did help and they really were necessary. But things have improved, considerably. So I've been cutting back. Now I am down to about 50% of what I was taking. I'm pretty happy about that. Actually there's a bit of a joke there. 

Although these medications are extremely helpful, this one in particular has an odd side effect. For some bizarre reason, whenever I miss a dose, which I did yesterday, I have very disturbing dreams. They aren't nightmares, but they are disturbing. In my sleep and set being horrid.  Why did I skipped this dosage? Believe me, it wasn't intentional. When did I realize that I missed this dosage? When I was having a horrible time sleeping last night. I started reflecting on my day and realized that I had never taken medication. Perhaps I should've tried taking it right then and there, but I didn't.  

So I gave up fighting it and started my day early. And the weather has seem to complement my mood as well. As you may know, Santa Barbara California is right on the coast. It is a beautiful town. But like all seaside towns they can be prone to fall. It is not typical to find fog in Santa Barbara in the middle of September but apparently it is here today. I'll be sure to check in at the end of the day and let you know how the rest of the day turned out.

Here's part 2 of day 17......