Friday, September 6, 2013

Middle of day 3

Middle of day 3

So it's been going well.  I was expecting that the first days would be challenging.  I prepared for the worst, perhaps I have spoken too soon, but I don't think so.

Sure, I have experienced a "rumbly in my tumbly" as Winnie-the-pooh so kindly worded it.  But in truth it isn't like I'm dying here.  I've been doing just fine.

The only concern, and I was given a heads up on this one, has been a feeling of  "grouchiness" at times, but it is short lived and overall I've been pretty good.  Oh yes, and my thoughts have trouble coming together as quickly as I would like, but only on occasion.  It's hard to know if it has anything to do with the broth fast or not.

I've learned a couple of things. Three day old soup tastes way better than fresh soup broth.  Telling friends about what I'm doing has been helpful and supportive.  Having motivational friends is helpful for sure.  Remembering to drink LOTS of water helps stave off hunger feelings.  I'm sure that there will be more that I learn from this and I'll try to relay what I've learned.

My friend Markus has been a motivator for sure.  He challenged himself to lose weight and get fit.  He went full bore for a relatively short time and now is in the best shape of his life.  He is happy and joyful and has maintained his health.  Knowing that he did this has been helpful to me.My wife, Suzy, has also been a big motivator.  She has been so good to me for so long and perhaps this is a way to be kind to her.  I figure that we all like to have a fit husband or wife in our lives, so hopefully this will bring her joy in turn.

I keep wanting to get on the scale to see if I have lost weight, but in truth, that is not why I am doing this. That said, I am happy to think that I'll lose weight and look better. I'm doing this because my "cortisol" levels are clear not right.  I'll talk more about that another time and also about the medical justification for all of this later.

For now, I'm off to grab a cup of water and return some emails.  By the way, it is amazing how different cold water and room temperature water seem.  It's like two different drinks.

Thanks for all of you who are following this.  Here's the link to the next blog post: