Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 26 ---- What happened?

Day 26  ----  What happened?

After that last few days of feeling on top of the world, I've been down today.  I believe that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have cut back on some antidepressants that I have been taking.  I've been slowly cutting back and there is usually a lag from the day that I cut back until feeling like I've been hit by a truck.  The lag is usually about 4 days of so.  Guess what?  That lines up perfectly.  I'm sure that this is the issue but it still is no fun.

I've been reading a lot about how helpful niacin is for people who suffer with depression.  I started taking about 3000mg per day, as recommended by my medical doctor.  But then I stopped.  And now I'm down and blue.  Probably a combination of the two hitting at once.

From what I've read, it seems like it takes about a week for the niacin to get going in the body, but I might have that time frame wrong.  If anyone knows for sure, send a comment please.

So, tomorrow I'm hoping will be a better and more uplifting day.  It really needs to be as I will have meetings tomorrow that I need to be "up" for.  Then the next two days are just as busy, so this better pass quickly.  I pray that it does.

Although I'm ending this fast soon, in truth, I know that I could do this for another couple of weeks.  The hardest part is over and now it's just cruising. But I would be lying to say that I not looking forward to eating again.

Eating is really a celebratory event for me, and probably for everyone.  We just take it for granted.  Stop eating for a month and you'll see what I mean.

That's all for now folks.  For those of you who have followed this all along, thank you!!  I would have loved to have heard from more of you but I see the stats and know that you are there.

If you want to do something kind for me...please share this BLOG on Facebook or whatever social media you like :-)   Please tell your friends :-)

Here's the link to tomorrow's latest

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