I started by day going back and reading some of the first days of my original broth fast. I did not realize in how bad shape I was really in back then. I had forgotten that I used to have night sweats. Oh my gosh, those were horrible. And it was almost every night.
I also noticed that it was on this day that I got hit with a tremendous set of symptoms that my doctor said were related to many, many years of damage and unhealthy things for my body, this coupled with an unexplainable amount of stress for many years. Back then, I had a bunch of flu-like symptoms and was running a fever. I have not had anything like this on this fast, but I guess the day isn't over yet.
I have felt a bit queasy in my stomach this morning. Not something I really was hoping to have to admit. I was kind of hoping this was going to go along pretty well and smoothly since I've already done this basically twice.
Sadly, I have found myself not really enjoying the broth. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the recipes, and more to do with just me.
But getting back to reading the posts from the first time that I did this, I am amazed by my commitment. I always said that I made a firm and solid commitment and decided to do this no matter what, but in rereading these, I kind of impressed myself. Literally. :-)
I thought I would give a bit of an update as to how long I'm going to be doing this. I was hoping to do it for 10 to 15 days. After the first few, each day gets easier. So really the difference between 10 days and 15 is really actually insignificant. It really doesn't take that much effort. Once I'm in the groove, it just works fine. But in trying to schedule this, it seemed like I had just a small window. I thought I would have as much is 15 days available to me. Now I realize that it is just not possible. It truly is not a lack of willpower, it's just a matter of logistics.
My sweet wife will be on her summer vacation in a couple of days. We immediately leave for a bluegrass festival and will be camping there over the weekend. It just doesn't seem realistic.
So...I'm going to have to alter my initial plan. I'm not sure if I had shared a timeline with you anyway from when I first started this.
I've decided I am going to do this for seven days and then I will do my transition of two days. And actually I'm quite ok with this. I don't feel like I'm quitting early. It's all about fitting this into a busy life. Perhaps I should have waited until July 5th which would have been wide open. But it is what it is. But rather than beating myself up, I'm deciding to celebrate that I'm doing it for a week.
If you haven't read anything about broth fasts before, or really any type of fasting, the first two days that you finish your fast are critically important from what the doctor and others have told me. You really don't want to mess this up. It's a major problems apparently.
One dear friend decided to do a seven day fast in honor of is biblical studies about fasting. To celebrate breaking his fast, he met up with some friends at a coffee shop and ordered a big and delicious cinnamon roll. I think it was a cinnamon roll, it might've been a bear claw, but either way that's what he ordered. He said it was quite large and he happily ate every bite. But then he started having some significant intestinal problems soon thereafter. He said he was very uncomfortable and had a number of troublesome symptoms. It was over a week before he really felt back in the groove.
I always stress this point when talking with anyone about fasting because it was stressed to me so strongly by Dr. Scott Saunders.
He instructed me to eat nuts and fruits and vegetables for at least two days after I broke my fast. That is what I did and I had very little, really just about nothing, in the way of issues with regard to my stomach or any other part of my digestive system. And think of it, my fast was for a month.
I will have to look back, but I think I was able to have lentils as well. But quite honestly, after fasting for a week, 15 days, or 30 days, being able to have solid foods like fruits and nuts is an amazing treat. And it tastes absolutely delicious. Truthfully I am really looking forward to those days.
One last thing, I was talking with a friend today about what I am doing now and about my original 30 day broth fast. I told her that my goal was to improve. Improvement... That has always been my life goal. And it still is a constant goal.
We can't worry about where we would rate ourselves related to others. We are where we are. We don't need to worry about assigning a grade or number to some area of our life. But to accept our mediocrity and current state is a disappointing way to live. Yes we need to except ourselves as we are. And yes we need to like ourselves. And we don't have to get down on ourselves about our current place in life. We are where we are and if we know we are improving, that should be enough!
I remember watching Richard Simmons on TV. He had a number of really fat people on his show. But they all seemed pretty happy. And I knew, as did all the other viewers, that these people were actually doing something about it. They were improving! Moreover, I am always impressed when I see fat people out for a jog. They are doing it! They are improving! And I have to say, they are probably putting in more effort than I do.
There are so many ways that we can improve, not just our physical weight size but also our physical muscular frame, and the way we stand, our posture. And where we are mentally? Are we challenging ourselves? Are we improving with regard to how we handle stressful situations? Are we improving spiritually and emotionally? But I think it's important that we don't get down on ourselves because we see so much room for improvement. It's kind a like I said. We are where we are. And it is unreasonable to address all of these areas simultaneously. But we can work on things. Writing down goals and highlighting a 1 or 2 of subjects improvement, especially with a written plan is huge. Even a sticky note. I took a whiteboard marker and wrote one word on the corner of my rearview mirror. I have posted things that I want to remember to read in the shower. Whatever will help us improve.
I have been working on my posture for the last 2 1/2 years. I think for me, part of my poor posture was not having the confidence to stand tall. I also have been working on memorizing peoples names from the first time that I meet them. I have been doing that for two years and although it has been a slow process, I have made significant progress. People even say to me that they are amazed that I remember their name.
So there you are, I really hope you have enjoyed reading this, and the blog in general. There are my thoughts and reflections from the past, on improvement, and an updated timeframe.
I am continually amazed at how many people read this. And I thank each and everyone of you who has shared this with friends and people whether it be on social media or in direct conversations.
Thank you!
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