Thursday, July 13, 2017

Soup Broth Recipe comments.....or How to Cook Soup with Confidence

Hi Friends....

If you're just joining us and are new to this blog, feel free to stick around but you might enjoy the story better if you start at the very beginning.  It reads like a book so it's fun to start with the first post and read each entry.  Here's the link to the first post:  Click Here for First Post

So the most common question that I get is with regard to recipes.

It's an interesting question. Is the question raised because someone wants to see what the soup is like that I'm drinking? Or perhaps because they have fully decided to start and want to pump up their recipe list? Either way, clearly it's a topic that people want addressed.

When it comes to making soup....or really any meal, it's important to be kind and gentle with yourself. Often people are worried that they "won't do it right". Listen....There is no wrong way.  Here's the proof. Have you ever eaten a hamburger, taco, chicken soup, cheesesteak, etc. at more than one location? I'd bet you have...note, if not then you need to get out more. One thing that we know for sure is that people make food differently. The largest Chili Cookoff is in Terlingua, Texas...I've actually been to Terlingua. A rough and rugged place to be sure. There are dozens of entries. At the recent Chili Cookoff in Orange County, there were 48 entries with 35,000 people in attendance. Some chili was spicy and some was sweet. Some had meat and some were veterinarian. Point being, multiple ways of cooking still make great meals.

To be honest, I went to school for a short while to study restaurant management. I finished the formal training to be waiter but never started the cooking portion. But I did learn a lot working in the restaurant business from a great Chef named Ron. Everything he made was from scratch. And although we never made any soup together...other than clam chowder, I learned a lot about basic cooking. That and I read a great book called "The Way to Cook" by the great Julia Child.

The important thing to know is just to think about how those flavors would work together. How does cinnamon taste? Think about it for a would salt and cinnamon taste together? Think about it. Most would say, it wouldn't work so well together. The point is that if you think that something will taste good together, then it probably will.

Using a recipe online is always a safe bet :-)

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