Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 33 ----- Church, Monster Trucks, and Sushi

Day 33  ---  Sunday is a day for church and monster trucks and perhaps some sushi

It was a great day.  I awoke a little tired and in no rush to get to the first church service.  The school that I am working with in New Jersey has asked that I attend a local church where a lot of their kids attend.  Thankfully, they had an 11:00 service so I was able to take my time in getting ready.

I started my day with nuts and an apple, but really this is a typical breakfast for me as I really don't care for eggs, or pancakes or most breakfast foods.  Apples and nuts, of course cheese is nice too, make a great breakfast.  And with this nutrition, off I went to church.  It was a very nice service with great songs and a solid and applicable message.

After church I went back to my hotel and ate some nutritious foods from "Whole Foods" market and then got ready for the monster truck show.

Now if you know me, you know that I'm not the type of guy that you would find at a monster truck show but John invited me to attend with his two sons and how could I say no?  Although I might not have purchased tickets for this, of course I would go if I could.  And there was no disappointment at all.

What a blast.  It was fun watching these huge trucks with their deafening engines roaring about inside of a stadium.  The sound was unreal.  With earplugs in, it was really too loud.  Certainly the loudest event that I have ever attended and that includes being 8 feet away from the speakers at the Rolling Stones 1982 Farewell tour and The Who, who is known for there very loud shows.  This was on a whole different level.  Even with the earplugs in I could hear my ears ringing and the vibration and sound waves made it fully palpable.

At the end of the day, we said farewell and I was happy to not only have been able to go, but also that I didn't give in to eating anything there.

For dinner, I took a short walk to a Japanese restaurant, not really knowing if there would be much that I could eat.  I am happy to say that they had quite a few items on the menu that were good including a cucumber and avocado sushi roll with brown rice.  Overall, it was delicious.  I originally also ordered a sashimi  sampler but when it arrived, I kept thinking that perhaps, maybe just perhaps, I shouldn't be eating raw fish right now.  So even though I paid for it, I decided to pass.  I thought that it is not worth the risk without first talking to the doctor.  I have a call into him and it will be interesting to hear what his thoughts are about this.

I walked home, well to the hotel that is, called my bride and called it a night.

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