Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pre-start thought.

Today is the last day of normal eating for the next 30 days.

This is a blog of my story to "push the restart button" on my life especially related to my health by starting a 30 day broth fast.

A bit about me and why I'm doing this.  I'm 49 years old, I'm 5' 7" tall and of small frame but weigh 179 pounds as of today.  My legs and arms look very average but my weight is all between my neck and my waistline.  At this point I am significantly overweight, classified as diabetic, I know that I'm beginning to have some prostrate issues, I struggle with depression and migraine headaches, my cholesterol is way too high, I have been having some significant memory issues, and have a low libido, also I have sleep apnea, and my blood pressure is way too high as well. I snore so loudly that I can no longer sleep with my wife and even if I'm in the room next door, she has to sleep with ear plugs.  Related to this or not, I sleep very poorly and often wake up and can't go back to sleep. Overall I have little to no energy, and get grouchy way, way too often.  And I just look gross.

So, the popular answer is to take a pill for each of these.  I will explain more later about the medical and scientific reasons why I chose to take a 30 day broth fast.  But before you start writing to me, but I do hope that you do write, to tell me that I should only do this under the care of a doctor, please know that I am doing exactly that.  I am under the care of a doctor who is supervising this diet/fast, more about him later as well.

My hope is that this will help me to lose weight of course but more importantly to reset some of the chemical issues in my body and that I will come out of this a healthier man.

I hope that this provides helpful information to anyone who is considering doing the same.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.

Here's the link to tomorrow's post : Click here

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