Friday, June 26, 2015

Weight Loss is the Starting Point in a Makeover...and I'm not talking about Mascara

Hi friends

If this is your first visit to the site, you might find this more meaningful by starting at the beginning with the very first blog entry.  It is titled "Pre-start Thought".  This blog reads kind of like a book and nothing is really that long, I don't think.  But feel free to stick around as well. :-)  To the rest of you, welcome back!  35,000 views and counting.

I cannot stress what a difference weight loss has made in my life.

It is amazing what has happened to me over the last year and a half (plus).

I am a new person.  I pushed the reset button and did a complete restart, in a very large part thanks to Dr. Scott Saunders.  I am a new creation, saved be grace.  I have been give a second chance.  I should have been dead, really.  But now I feel more alive than ever.  My thinking is different and clearer.  My personality has changed and I'm much more positive.  Much less negative.  I'm less angry.  Less combative. Much more accepting.

No kidding.

I've been working 3000 miles away from home for the better part of the last 3 months.  They say eating on the road is very difficult, meaning it's difficult to maintain body size when eating out so often.  I haven't had any problems and am actually not eating as well as I do at home.  I have a new body and it processes food differently.  It doesn't store the fats and burn off the carbs any more.

So I'll be back home, and taking a break for a while with hopes of writing a lot more.  I'm working on a book.  I've been working on it for a couple of years now.  And I'm almost done reading it.  :-)
But seriously, I need to finish writing it.  I have another as well that I'm working on and am looking forward to finishing it.

One is about this project, no surprise.  The other is about fixing broken or weak schools.

All that to say, stay posted.  I should be adding more to this during this summer.

For all of those of you who have been following this for a while....Thank you very much.  I see your support through the number of views to this blog.  At this writing it is 35, 000.  Blows my mind.  So many people have read part of my story, and I like to think that they are rooting me on.  I like to think that I'm being helpful and encouraging to them.  I'd love it if you'd drop me a note.  It would be great to hear from you. Here's the address if you feel so inclined
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