Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 52 --- An update (Last 3 weeks)

Day 52 ---  Update

For the last few days since finishing my fast, I have been very busy. I went to Philadelphia , and Cherry Hill, with a quick run out to Atlantic City before leaving for Gettysburg, then up to Rochester, NY, next down to St. Charles County, Maryland, finally turning north to Washington DC, Philadelphia again, Atlantic City again, then up to Newark, NJ to fly home.  Arriving home I had a dear friend in town for a matter of about 9 hours total.  I played tour guide while setting up for a garage sale, to which we awoke the next morning.  Somehow I hurt my back during the sale, pretty significantly, and laid low the following day. Then off with Suzy to take her mom to the hospital for a freak accident but one that needed to be checked out.  Thank the good Lord, all appears completely fine. So, after a quick grocery run for my wife and mother-in-law, who will be together, or with me, for the better part of the next week, I made a chicken soup with Suzy and also some cooked gizzards, which is a real favorite for my mom-in-law.. It's been a whirlwind.  And that is the succinct version.  If anyone wants to know the details, post a comment and I'll get into it. 

Since I finished the fast, I have eating "normally" again.  I can eat almost anything, except starches and sugar.  That might sound like I have huge limitations but in truth I have been completely satisfied with this new diet.

But with all that stress and tension and stress, I have stuck to the doctor prescribed diet.  I only cheated one time. And even then, Dr. Saunders said to go for it, and I did.  I was going to be attending a Philadelphia Flyers game and while there I ate a cheese steak and half an ice cream.  It was delicious, but not all that much better than what I had been eating.

I've been able to have great salads with beef, turkey, chicken, and fish.  I've had lots of healthy food that I really enjoyed.  Perhaps it was the result of my taste buds changing from the fast, and perhaps it was just my appreciation for solid foods.

Either way, I'm happy, content, and healthy. 

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