Monday, September 23, 2013

Day 19 -- Feeling more normal

Day 19  ---    Things are kind of normal  (and some exciting news tomorrow)

Yesterday was a pretty decent day.  I think that the biggest reason why is that I tried to stay well prepared.  I started the day by visiting a local car show.  It was not completely for fun and games.  I had stopped by because our son, David, has an organization that was doing work at the event.  So with broth in hand, I left the house first thing to confirm that all was going well.  And it was.

The cars looked amazing.  The weather was perfect, crisp and clear.  The day warmed nicely and it was obvious, even before 9:00 AM, that it was going to be a beautiful day.

At 9:30, I was off to church which started at 10:00, a rather civilized time for church. In the car, I had brought another travel mug full of soup broth.  I thought that I would be fine and not need it until after church got out, but after only a few minutes, I found myself hungry.  So, I ran out, grabbed the soup, and dashed back inside.  I only missed a couple of announcements that I could read about later if I wanted.  I really was looking forward to going and was not disappointed.  I don't think that I have ever gone to church and thought, "darn, I shouldn't have gone to church today".  I'm not sure that anyone ever real feels that way, or at least only rarely.  Either way, I really enjoyed it.  The music was outstanding and the message was relevant and applicable.  South Coast Church in Goleta, California is filled with a wide variety of people that all seem to get along very well.  Life is celebrated there.

After this, off to the store to look for parts and then back home to research more about what is wrong with this motorhome (caravan in the UK).  I first sat down and read some forums responses regarding my questions.  They were helpful but were also a bit all over the map.  So armed with a fair amount of confusion, I attacked the problem to very quickly realize that I can't really find the problem.  I know what is wrong but it is nearly impossible for me to access.  It was frustrating to be sure.

It wouldn't be a big deal except that my sweet wife Suzy was really hoping that we could bring the motor home down to the beach for the next week.  I really don't like to let her down.  I have tried so hard to get this coach ready but I feel as though I have failed.  Suzy is not demanding at all. She won't say any unkind words about how I should have done this or that.  I just like to treat her nicely.  I know that she is looking forward to a week at the beach in the motor home, and still be close enough to drive her car to work each day.  That is a gift that I would like to give to her.  She would have a beach side home for a week and still not miss any work.  As it stands, we can go but we can't have water.  Furthermore there are other issues as well.  ARRGGHH

Oh well, back to soup talk....I made 3 soups yesterday.  Actually I am fixing one that turned out to be way too sour.  I added one squeezed lemon and through it in to add flavor and the same with two very small Key Limes.  I tasted the broth and it was so bitter that it caused me to cough.  So, I added a bunch of red bell pepper and one small chopped white beet.  I hope that adding the beet is ok, I'll have to check with Dr. Saunders about that one.  I am also making a ham hock soup with carrots and leeks.  The last soup that I'm making is really a pot roast soup hold the potatoes.

Some people ask, "Do you get hungry?"  Yes, of course.  "Do you?".  We all get hungry but with a normal eating day, we are freaking out if around 11:30 we find our stomach growling.  We know that we will eat at noon and we don't freak out.  It's the same only the intervals are different.  I am consuming liquids with lots of nutrients and they don't give the same amount of time between "meals" as traditional food.  But again, I don't have to get all excited, I just have to eat more regularly.  But if all is prepared, as it has to be, it's not too difficult to ladle some warm soup broth out of a crock pot into a mug.  Pretty easy I'd say.

That's it for now.  I would love to hear from you.  Have a Souper day.

Day 20 has a lot of 20's involved with it.  Click below to follow the story.

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